《Hello Startup》作者 Yevgeniy Brikman 以技术人员的视角,从产品、技术、团队文化角度讲述了作者的经验。书中还有众多明星创业公司CTO和工程师的采访,想加入创业公司的工程师可以参考下。
1.Why Startups
- Product: technology.
- Environment: extremely uncertain.
- Goal: massive growth.
- Mode of operation: search.
2.Startup Ideas
- Copy
- Transform
Give yourself plenty of time
- Keep an idea journal
- Work on the problem
- Get away from work
- Add constraints
- Look for pain points
- Talk to others
How to find customers ? 1. Validate the problem. - Frequency: Does the problem your're solving occur often? - Density: Do a lot of people face this problem? - Pain: Is the problem just an annoyance, or something you absolutely must resolve? Market Sizing: Advertising, Competition, Community, Market research and reports, Product data Talking to real customsers :
- Validate the MVP.
- Validate the product.
3. Product Design
What you're building ,who you're doing it for , why it's worth doing.
Emotional DESIGN: Be considerate, Be responsive, Be forgiving, Simplicity, Usability testing VIsual DESING: 1.Copywriting 2. Design reuse 3. Layout 4.Typography 5.Contrast and repetition 6.Colors THE MVP: central assumption -> testable hypothesis -> smallest experiment -> analyze the results -> repeat1 Types OF MVPS: Landing page, Explainer video, crowdfunding(众筹), Piecemeal MVP Buy THE MVP: