1. Getting Started
Type :h
search (don't hit Enter yet) followed by Ctrl+D. This will give you a list of help tags containing the
substring search.
2. Advanced Editing and Navigation
:b file
如果出现了多个包含 file 的 buffer,可以用 tab 轮询每个文件。
Ctrl+w+o (or :only or :on command) will close all windows except for the current one.
set foldmethod=indent
- zo: open current fold
- zc: close the fold
- zR/zM: open and close all folds
Navigating text
word: 字母数字下划线。 WORD: 除了空白符(空格,tab,换行)
beginning of the line and$
take you to the end of the line- Shift + { and Shift + } takes you to the beginning and the end of a paragraph
- Shift + ( and Shift + ) takes you to the beginning and the end a sentence
Jumping into insert mode
- gi places you in insert mode were you last exited it
Searching across files
:vimgrep animal **/*.py
navigate use :cn :cp
, open quickfix window by using :copen
3. Follow the Leader - Plugin Management
" 使用 NERDTreeToggle 命令时候加载插件:
Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtreee', { 'on': 'NERDTreeToggle' }
" 指定文件类型加载
Plug 'junegunn/goyo.vim', { 'for': 'markdown' }
Profiling slow plugins : vim --startuptime startuptime.log
Profiling spedific actions:
:profile start profile.log
:profile func *
:profile file *
在visual 模式下,可以用 o 从选择的开始和结束跳转
可以用 term 模式运行一个命令输出到 buffer
:term python3 animal.py cat dog
Remapping commands
for recursive mapping,:unmap
for non-recursive mapping:map g
will display every mapping starting with g
ctrl + 字母(下划线这里指的是字母)<a-_>
表示 Alt<s-_>
表示 Shift<cr>
Mode - aware remapping
- :nmap and :nnoremap : Normal mode
- :vmap and :vnoremap : Visual and select modes
- :xmap and :xnoremap : Visual mode
- :smap and :snoremap : Select mode
- :omap and :onoremap : Operator-pending mode
- :map! and :noremap! : Insert and Command-line mode
- :cmap and :cnoremap: Command-line mode
The leader key
The leader key is essentially a namespace for a user or plugin defined shortcuts.
" Map the leader key to a comma.
let mapleader = ','
let mapleader = "\<space>"
4. Understanding the Text
Code autocomplete
Navigating the code base with tags
Exuberant Ctags
$ ctags -R .
" vimrc
set tags=tags;
" regerate tags when saving python file
autocmd BufWritePost *.py silent! !ctags -R &
- ctrl+] ctrl+t jump and to back in the tag stack
- :tn :tp next tag and previous tag
- :ts tag select
- g] select tag menu instead jump to the tag under the cursor
Undo tree and Gundo
5. Build, Test and Execute
Integrating Git with Vim (vim-fugitive)
- Gstatus
- Glog. :copen :cprevious
- Gblame
- Gread checks out the file straight into a buffer for a preview
- Ggrep wraps around git grep
- Gmove moves the files
- Gdelete wraps git remove commands
Resolving conflicts with vimdiff
vimdiff a.py b.py
]c [c
move forward and backward- do or :diffget (do stands for diff obtain) move the change to the active window
- dp or :diffput (stands for diff put) will push the change from the active window
git config --global merge.tool vimdiff
git config --global merge.conflictstyle diff3
git config --global mergetool.promptt false
git mergetool 进入合并页面。
- LOCAL: current branch
- BASE: common ancestor
- REMOTE: remote branch
- MERGED: merge result
<<<<<<< [LOCAL commit/branch]
[LOCAL change]
|||||||| merged common ancestors
[BASE - clostest common ancestor]
[REMOTE change]
>>>>>>> [REMOTE commit/branch]
- Get a REMOTE change using :diffg R
- Get a BASE change using :diffg B
- Get a LOCAL change using :diffg L
when you are done, use :wqa quit and git commit your merge results.
Tmux, screen and vim terminal mode
tmux use tpm plugin manager install
Building and testing
quickfix: copen/cn/cp
location list: :lopen/lclose/lnext/lprevious/lwindow
- :Make
- :Dispatch can also just run arbitrary
- :TestNearest runs the test nearest to the cursor
- :TestFile runs the tests in the current file
- :TestSuite runs the entire test suite
- :TestLast runs the last test
Syntax checking code with linters
"vim-syntasitic/syntastic" "w0rp/ale"
6. Refactoring Code with Regex and Macros
Search and replace
, flags:
- g: global
- c: confirm each substitution
- e: do not show errors if no matches are found
- i: ignore case
- I: case-sensitive
match whole words : /\<animals\>
Operations across files using arglist
- :arg defines the arglist
- :argdo allows you to execute a command on all the files in the arglist
- :args displays the list of files in the arglist
:arg **/*.py
:argdo %s/\<animal\>/creature/ge | update
Regex Expression
- magic mode:
- no magic:
- very magic:
,:s/\v(cat) hunting (mic)/\2 hunting \1
Applying the knowledge in practice
- Renaming a variable, a method, or a class
- Reordering function arguments
Recording and playing macros
:arg **.*.yp
:argdo execute ":normal @a" | update
Using plugins to do the job
Making Vim Your Own
Playing with the Vim UI
- :colorscheme
The status line
set laststatus=2
set showcmd
Keeping track of configuration files
使用 dotfiles 一定要注意别加上敏感信息
Healthy vim customization habits
- 及时清理不用配置
- 映射快捷键方便操作
- 保持 .vimrc 有组织